Monday, May 1, 2023

Why aligners aren't for eveyone.

I've been an Invisalign provider since the beginning.  The theory behind aligners is great, and many people get a fine result. However, if your thinking about straightening your teeth with aligners, like Invisalign, you need to have some information to find out if they are right for you. Hopefully your orthodontist (your not really thinking about letting a dentist do this right?) has the experience and will be bluntly honest about aligner treatment. In practice and reality they do not always live up to the hype.
What are the factors which need to be considered?

  • Type of Correction
  • Cooperation
  • Length of Treatment
  • Quality of Result
  • Cost

Type of Correction
Some smiles and bites are more difficult to fix than others.  Yes, I have fixed really bad bites with aligners.  But for the average patient the time and cooperation burden is too great.  If there is a significant interarch discrepancy (small jaw, underbite) aligners do less of a good job. An experienced orthodontist should provide you with an honest appraisal of your prospects for success.
Aligners are removable, you choose when to wear them.  You're probably paying a premium for your aligner treatment so it's up to you.  Aligners need to be worn at all times- except during eating and brushing.  Some patients forget to put them back in right away, some snack too much, and some just can't talk with them in.  If you have a job which requires you to speak (and what job doesn't) I'd recommend getting a test retainer to see if the aligners are something you can wear.  The primary failure of aligner treatment which doesn't work after case selection) stems from lack of cooperation.
Length of Treatment
Your aligner treatment will take longer than you think. If your teeth don't move the way the aligner manufacturer says they will, additional aligners will be needed.  Some teeth are stubborn.  Most aligners are made start to finish at the beginning of treatment.  Most complex aligner treatments will require more aligners to tweak the final result.
Quality of Result
In my opinion, aligners don't generally get as good a result as braces. I suspect that root alignment is the issue. Orthodontic treatment is about building the smile and bite into perfect harmony. Teeth can be tipped into place,which doesn't guarantee the roots are in the right place. It seems to me that a plastic shell just can't grab a tooth the way a brace can.
Aligner companies charge significant fees for their services, these costs are passed onto you. That's why the orthodontist charges more for aligners.
Who is it for?
I recommend aligners for the following patients:

  • Those with simple corrections
  • Those who have a strong commitment to treatment
  • Those who refuse to wear braces.

You still want aligners?
Invisalign didn't invent aligners and they have the most promoted product on the market. Invisalign has become synonymous with clear aligner orthodontic treatment.  Many other orthodontic companies have jumped into the aligner business.  Each having it's own system. An experienced orthodontist can point you in the right direction

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